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Wednesday, 25 May 2016


We see places with skyscrapers, road interchanges, large Malls and Towers as a Developed world.
Same way we consider the Western World as being the limit to Development.
So what then is the Road to Development for my People?
Is it the ability to leave our own darken air space amidst the anticipation of landing on Greener surface of a foreign land?
Or Is it our eagerness to surf on a ship via the Mediterraneans, up the Artics of the cold Himalayans in Europe?
How then do my people see " The Road to Development "
The Road to Development describes a wide open way; designating various types of paths, demarcating very different verses of function on every path riding along this wide way; with each path leading at a different direction but all fusing together at the end of the road achieving one great goal.
This Road meanders through all areas of errors, all pot holes, all obstructions in the way, all burnt bridges and all destroyed intersections and curves of the society.
One path encounters the toxic chemicals dumped in our rivers and water bodies. All the trash waste living in the middle and sides of the road resulting in several tragedies.
Another path moves below all rocky symbols of greed, selfishness, and hatred lying on top of this path causing divisions and warfare in our societies.
And at the curves of this road, we can find joint little weeds joined together by traveling sand displaying the terrors of bribery and corruption devouring our humane.
This path does not ignore the evil look of refuse jammed in gutters and scattered all over sensitive areas causing Cholera and Malaria in our vicinity.
This road again opens its eyes as it steady observes the redundant ways of the public service and how it workers slowly and reluctantly cross it as they even move to work.
One other thing this road doesn't escape is how everything is politicized with different Colour banners hanger on it space when we are all striped with one colour.
And Finally, On top of this road, you can see the blueprint of how tribal wars are causing a lot of lives, Bias and mismanagement among others were built upon these bloody soil.
The Construction of "The Road to Development" does not require any blood shed but oneness with its paths joining together at the end of the road.
The Road of Development must start with helping the young and old cross this road.
Maintaining your work ethics of confidentiality and punctuality.
Respecting your leaders and respecting the needs of your people.
Development starts with a plan, one man coming up that " solar panels can be used as alternative power source ". One woman raising to the occasion that " women deserves more than just being at the kitchen office ".
Development starts with you. You construct "The Road to Development" yourself.
So next time you see, a road constructor ask him how he was inspired to put up such infrastructure and move with it.
Ghana is Ours.

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