Tour GH: A Road Trip To Ahanta West District - SmylesGh


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Sunday, 26 June 2016

Tour GH: A Road Trip To Ahanta West District

The maiden edition of Tour GH trip commenced on Saturday, June 25, 2016. The trip saw Tour GH leading about 37 youth from different works of life within the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis. The road trip was to expose these tourists to the rich cultural history behind the TransAtlantic Slave Trade, as well as a feel of some of the natural features with the Ahanta West District. 


The first stop was made at Dixcove, a small coastal fishing community which lies at the western side of Busua. In this community sits the British Fort which was built in 1692. Tourists learned about the history of Fort Metal Cross and the TransAtlantic Slave Trade. According to the Tourist Guide, the fort was initially built to store the commodities they traded with our forefathers, being gold, ivory, diamonds, etc. Later, instead of storing these items, human beings (slaves) were added when they started treating them as commodities. It took 8 years for the Fort Metal Cross to be built. 

The next stop was at Butre, another coastal fishing community which lies at the eastern side of Busua. In this community, tourists toured the beautiful Butre Rocky Beach. Many thought beaches were only filled with sand and this trip exposes them to a kind of beach which is as beautiful as the sandy beach. The Butre River Estuary was nothing that the tourists missed at all. The estuary is the point where the Butre River meets the Sea. The day was rounded up with a smooth and scintillating Canoe Ride on the river. Tourists took to themselves to have fun, this time, not on land but on water. On the Canoe Ride, tourists learned about the importance of the River to the community as well as the Mangrove Forest. Tourists expressed their excitement for not only an exciting trip but an educative and a successful one, where many really expressed their happiness that, "Yes! We have Explored in Comfort." Many are eager and can't wait for the next trip.

Mr. Alexander Penny Kattah Norming (Organiser, Tour GH), expressed his satisfaction with the whole event and how youths in Sekondi-Takoradi saw the essence to embark on this trip. He also  promised of more exciting trips to follow.. 

Tour GH "Exploring in Comfort"

More Images from the trip;

Written by: PHILIP PRAH (P P) 

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